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In Development

Everything will be fine – feature by Marcel Visbeen screenplay Marcel Visbeen with Fedja van Huet, Derek de Lint en Katja Herbers. 
A social worker who helps underprivileged people build new lives, faces an existential dilemma when his father asks for help with his self-elected death. As he unravels the background of his father’s death wish, the social worker realizes that his own life has been on hold for years.

The Last Days – feature by Maartje Seyferth and Victor Nieuwenhuijs
Max, a very old man charged with a ‘wrong’ war past, tries to find the truth about his past actions as he approaches the end of his life. But in a violent confrontation with reality, he must recognize his inability to do so. His memories turn out to be self-fulfilling, doubtful, unreliable and susceptible to multiple interpretations.

Hevi – feature by Reber Dosky screenplay by Emily Reekers and Reber Dosky
When Sara, a prostitute from the city of Mardin, secretly takes care of a wounded Kurdish warrior, an impossible love unfolds between them. Impossible because both themselves as well as their strife and hate colored environment, have actually lost sight of love.

Hollander – feature by Miriam Kruishoop
A drug smuggler who has just been released from a long prison sentence, decides to help a Syrian refugee and hopes to redeem himself and his troubled past.

Derailed – feature by Wahid Sanouji
The environment in which you grow up makes you who you become. A hopeful young man derails by the oppression of his environment into a distraught victim.

Striguni – feature by Aldo Tardozzi screenplay by Aldo Tardozzi coproduction with  Ziva Production and Deblokada 
A young biologist, in research of eternal life discovers the connection between a case of a missing child and the existene of Striguni – supernatural creatures from the local legends that prolong their lives by taking away the life force from the children.

Bushwack – feature by Miriam Kruishoop screenplay Miriam Kruishoop and John Weich
In his effort to eradicate malaria, an eccentric scientist discovers that mosquitos are not the enemy – people are -with